Sunday, April 02, 2006

14 months

And so my darling girl, you are now fourteen months old. Where has the time gone?

You now weight a whopping 12.9 kg, and are 78 cm long...meaning you have grown 25 cm in length and quadrupled your weight since you were born. That simply spins your mummy out. Oh yeah, and with a head circumference of 49 cm we can safely say that there are quite a few brains in that precious noggin of yours.

You are cruising like a champ nowadays, and seem to be ready to take your first step anytime now. Every now and then you take steps, using merely a fingertip of support from the couch before changing your mind, plopping down and crawling off. Forget anyone holding your hands to help, you seem to want to be able to do it all by yourself.

Please don't decide to take your first steps when mummy goes back to work.

You burgeoning vocabulary grows by the day, not only in terms of single words but simple sentences, such as 'that one' and your favourite 'all gone'. You are able to switch the light on your play house on and off, and love to screw and unscrew lids on containers, and sort objects into groups of your own making. Magnets on the fridge are a source of delight, so is the Shape-O (and you are starting to get the idea of that one rather quickly) is opening up cupboards. Time for more babyproofing..although you are also surprisingly self restrained, saying 'ta' as you hand over objects you know you aren't supposed to have, and handling things gently when asked. Unless it's Daddy's glasses, which you still try to rip from his face at any given opportunity.

You are down to one nap a day, although you still probably need two given that it is so hard to settle you for your sleep. Somehow you have decided that mummy rubbing your back is a prerequisite for daytime sleep...and I don't mind one bit.

There are still only two teeth in your little rosebud mouth, meaning that the rest are going to come through all at once (eek). I guess that's the next hurdle we face after dealing with your current cold. We have been very lucky, in that this is pretty much your very first proper lurgy, and touch wood will clear up quickly.

Love you so much, my beautiful girl. It is with a mixture of pride and nostalgia that I watch you grow. Take on the world...just not too quickly. Mummy still needs to savour your delightful toddler cuddles, and the baby smell of your sweet head.


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