Thursday, February 22, 2007

Testing times

This post is on the fly, hard to concentrate with the poo monkey going mummymummymummy every five seconds. Guess today will be a no nap day, which are alarmingy becoming more and more frequent nowadays. As are the incessant demands for "dummy! snugzeez!" whenever I dare to say no to such requests as two hours of wiggles videos in a row or chocolate cake mix for breakfast.

So, um yeah, guess you cn already tell which direction this post is going....

Test #1
The toxo thing. Thankfully my first blood test came back in the clear, however I will do a repeat in about ten day's time just to make sure that I haven't been really unlucky and was merely incubating an infection at the time of the last test. So Usurper and I aren't totally in the clear yet, but it's looking like the odds are in our favour.

Not so for our cat. No infection for me means no immunity either, and as he will still be a carrier regardless of his own immune status we have to find him a new home. Any takers?

Test #2
The scene is outside of a friend's house post mother's group today. I have not been able to coax the poo monkey into her car seat for twenty minutes. I cannot put her in there myself, given that she is 16.5 kg of rigid toddler when she has a hissyfit, and I am disturbingly showing signs of symphisis pubis disfunction at 23 weeks. Bear in mind also that mr hissychick has been away for work and won't be returning until late Friday night.

Me: (after all attempts at bribery, cajoling have failed, and patience is extremely thin.) Poo monkey, for the last time please get in the car seat. (Utter desperation) Do you want a smack?

Poo monkey: (Immediately sitting back in her chair). Yes please mummy. Smack! Smack! Abi wants a smack! Hooray!

Me: (Trying and failing not to laugh). You don't know what a smack is do you darling? I said smack, not snack.

We both laugh and drive off.
Ah the terrible twos.

Test #3
Tomorrow is the poo monkey's first day of formal childcare. A spot has come up, we've decided to take it now given that:
a) If she truly hates it it's no big deal to withdraw her until we absolutely have to put her in care once my maternity leave is up

b) It gives her a chance to socialise (although don't get me started on the heartbreak i felt today when the poo monkey went up to one of her little friends, held out her had and said "Ring a rosie Kaija?" only to be brushed off)

c) It may provide me with a chance to spennd one on one time with usurper and give the poo monkey her own special time doing lots of interesting activities, without being linked with the arrival of her sister

d) It gives me some time every week to feel alternately guilty and absolutely ecstatic to have a break. Break meaning time to do all the chores that you simply can't get done efficiently with an exuberant little girl around.

Wonder who will cry the most? Bet you a dollar it's me.

Time to sign off, and surrender the fantasy that a nap will be taken by anyone in this household right now.


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