Saturday, January 19, 2008

Save that dance

Why, oh why did I open my big fat mouth?

You guessed it folks. Last night was another shocker. Could not get A to sleep until 11, same time as E. Both A and E then tag teamed on the wake up calls.

Mr hissychick then had to deal with a tantruming, shouting wife this morning. And A was almost as bad, refusing to get dressed for her friend's birthday party. E naturally decided to join in on the fun and fuss whenever boob was offered.

Thankfully we are all intact, having survived the festive celebrations. And what a sugar and toy loaded spectacle that it was, worthy of it's own post (mr hissy?)

Anyway something has to give. The balance has swung too far towards the kids, and it's not sustainable. I simply cannot spend every waking and most non waking hours dealing with the little treasures. I need some space to do my own thing, besides a rushed ten minutes on a blog post here and there. Mr hissychick and I also desperately need to spend some time as just the two of us (um yeah, it would be nice to actually indulge in a few special cuddles sometime before 2010, stop laughing mr hissy).

I know we need to enforce bedtime...and this is the bit I dread...wake up time too. If only we weren't so sleep deprived.

Irony sucks, especially when you aren't using it in the correct context. Sigh.



At 5:32 AM, Blogger Moomykin said...

My sister has a 2 and 1/2 and a 8 month old baby, and we talk every other week (She's in Singapore). I know the stress you are going though.

Yes, your mantra: "This too shall pass" is a good sanity saver.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't wanna - can't make me


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