Sunday, January 06, 2008

Sleep, interrupted

The pixie monster has gotten progressively worse at sleeping. So much so that it usually takes us until 10 or 11 at night to get her to go to sleep. She then wakes again between 3 and 4, and is up to start the day anytime between 6 and 8. Getting her to nap is a saga and a half, and trying to change the feed before sleep pattern nigh on impossible. The amount of solids she will attempt is a joke.
It's been this way for longer than I care to admit.

My ECHN rang on Friday to confirm she was faxing through a referral to Tresillian, and stupid, stupid me told her that I'd rather try a day stay before a residential one. I don't know what I was thinking. Sleep deprivation obviously has far wider ranging effects than decreasing one's ability to form a coherent sentence or two.

She's a gorgeous girl, albeit somewhat of a potential sociopath. You should have seen the way she laughed with glee when mr hissychick killed a spider sometime around midnight the other night when she was up and partying as per usual.

Anyway I blame it on the French.


We all trouped off to see Hi5 yesterday, as much to my chagrin, cheeky monkey girl seems to have developed an obsession with this overly chirpy and none too educational kiddy dance act.


The performance was about what I expected, the sound quality was god awful-whoever was on the sound desk should be shot for the reverb was shocking- however CMG seemed to enjoy herself immensely.

It was the audience themselves who confirmed my fears about the quality of the act and the demographic it was aimed at (yes I can be an effete snob and especially so when I am sleep deprived, sue me). Luckily they also provided an immense source of entertainment.

Take for example the following phone conversation I overheard at interval time when I was busily breastfeeding the pixie monster in a desperate attempt to get her to have some sleep:

"Hi darl, yeah it's me. Show's Ok but there's no stuff to buy for little boys. Yeah I managed to get Jayden a green shirt but I had to get a purple cup, is that alright? Yeah they have a blue cape for sale but it's too faggy hey.."

Almost made the deliberate kick to the back of the head from said feral toddler worth it.


To be saved for next time:
  • The potty adventures of cheeky monkey girl. How many times do you have to stop on the side of the freeway when the urge hits? And what level of confectionery based bribery will it take to convince her to use the big toilet?
  • Surviving at home with two kids following mr hissychick's return to work. Boo hiss.
  • Breastfeeding beyond six months. I promise.....
Off for a caffeine hit. Totally unrelated to the pixie's inability to sleep of course.


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