Thursday, April 06, 2006

A slight hiccup

So we had our follow up appointment with our IVF doctor yesterday. There were no surprises (hubs now has a 100 % antibody level, there's a shock- not)...until we got to our TSH results.

For those of you who aren't in the know, TSH is thyroid stimulating hormone. Your thyroid controls many of the metabolic processes in your body blah blah boring, this is not the time for a first year biology lecture. The normal level of TSH is above the 0.3/0.4 milliblobs a vial of your precious blood. Hubs came in borderline low at 0.2.

I failed spectacularly, at 0.03.

Either the lab stuffed up, or I have developed hyperthyroidism. Yay me! We have had more blood drawn to rule out the former and/or investigate the latter. It's looking suspiciously like the latter, given the following symptoms:

* Dislike of heat (have you seen our power bill for last summer?)
* Unexplained weight loss (I have recently lost somewhere between 3 and 5 kg. Damn, and here I was thinking that I was back to my youthful carefree ability to eat what I want and still stay slim)
* Irritability (ummm but who could notice the difference from my usual state)
* Anxiety (natch, although that little foible is much improved thanks to my friend CBT)
* Fatigue with insomnia (ok, ok, but I am the mother of a 14 month old and that's gotta count for something right?)

Fortunately my eyes aren't bulging, and I don't think I have more palpitations than the average type A perfectionist. Whatever.

To be serious for a moment, untreated thyroid problems can result in recurrent miscarriages and other nasty type situations so I am only too happy to delay IVF until this is all sorted out. But not too long of course.

Just wish I hadn't visited Dr Google, where I have now learned about Grave's Disease, thyroid nodules et al. Now who has palpitations?

Sigh. I guess all will be revealed in two weeks' time at our next appointment. Fingers crossed for lab error, or a one off case of viral thyroiditis (see, I can't help myself)....

ETA: I can't end my post on that note, especially when I have exciting news about the poo monkey. Today she finally let me simply hold her hands so she could go for a walk! Our girl is now also cruising using one hand for support. Can't be long now.

ETA#2: There's more. Little miss can now point to her ears and knees when asked, differentiates between her mouth and teeth, and plays this funny little game where she raises and drops her arms into her lap in response to some silly aaaaahhhh boomp noises we make together. That makes no sense, but just humour me, as it is pure genius of course.


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