Thursday, August 17, 2006

All done

So the poo monkey used the potty for a total of twenty four hours, with a 100 % success rate. I was stunned. Her father was stunned. The poo monkey could not have cared less.

The very next time I asked her if she needed to go, she said "no, no potty"...went away for a play and promptly loaded her nappy, proudly announcing "poo poo". Now she passes by the potty, points out what it is and then goes on her merry way (usually back to demanding to watch the 'iggles for the forty seven thousandth fricking time that day).

To me it seems to be a case of, "been there, done that, what else is there to do?".

Am very happy to wait until summer...and training straight to the toilet. Note to novices, a poo floater in wee sauce is a sensory delight. Not. Do NOT buy a white potty, our blue one is bad enough.

Our girl is moving onto other things, like not sleeping, quite possibly due to Wiggles overload all of the learning due to the excellent quality stimulating environment that Mummy always provides.

Fun times people, fun times*.

*This sums up what it is like to be the parent of a toddler going through a massive developmental leap. You are constantly in awe of them, love them to death...but just want the little munchkins to go to sleep so that you can have a short bit of respite from the constant demands...


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