Monday, January 21, 2008

Let's change topics shall we?

I more posts about sleep and lack thereof. For now*.

Time to start tackling that BFing post and updating the look of my blog.

One question I'd love to seek your opinion on dear readers (all 3 of you):

Is a blog which contains more personal information, ie names and in particular photos, of greater interest to you than one where the author retains a greater degree of anonymity?

Am uncertain as to whether to become more out there, or concentrate on honing my writing skills so that the material itself is more intriguing and of a higher calibre.

Either way, or both, I hope to make things a little bit more interesting in my corner of the blogosphere. Stay tuned.

*Things might..they just might be on the improve. But I won't say more lest I jinx myself.


At 11:05 PM, Blogger Averil said...

Long time reader here delurking...

In my personal opinion, I'd love to see & hear a little more personal stuff! Ie - a few pics and details dotted here & there. While a largely anon blog is tantalising all in its own right...I also love the splash of colour & individuality that comes with a more personal blog.

I had a very boring black & white EB diary, and moved to a personal blog with lots of colour & real names etc and I haven't looked back!

Just my humble opinion!

Be interested to know what your other readers say!

xx V

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Mary said...

Aside from the aesthetics ask yourself 'what makes me tick?' Interesting reading keeps the blog alive.

Then again....I'm way past interesting - I'm almost certified!


At 6:30 AM, Blogger Moomykin said...

I think pictures, even if you don't reveal faces, may be more interesting, but for me, with regards to your blog, your kids and how you guys are seeing the magic in them draws me to read.

Guess I'm a total mom.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger hissychick said...

First of all can I say just how excited I am to see comments from you Averil and Marywin. You've both been on my EB must read list for ages. It's about time I delurked and commented at your respective blogs too (V I will send you an email, can I please view your new blog?

Anyway...I think I will be going just that little bit more personal in terms of pics and details. Not enough to make you turn your head and look twice should I walk past you on the street...but enough for you to see just how gorgeous my kids are. Not that I am biased or anything.

I will also be jazzing up the site from a technical perspective. It's shocking that someone who used to work in IT could be so lazy in that department.

Most of all I do hope to improve my writing. It's funny, I've always been a science geeky girl and it's only recently that I have really discovered the sheer joy of writing. Being a perfectionist I want to ensure that whatever I post isn't merely a passable record for my children to enjoy in the future, but engaging to my readers as well. Except for you mr that I can talk about you when you're not looking.

Thanks again for your input.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should have more pictures of Mr Hissychick - I've heard he's a babe


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