Hissyfit #4756
Ever had one of those days where the builders manage to coat every single surface in your house with sanding dust, including within the closed door rooms at the opposite end of the house to where work is being done? Dust that at first appearance doesn't seem to be there until you run your finger across the cot railing and your fingertip is coated with a fine white residue that is not from Colombia?
Ever had one of those days where after beating a hasty retreat with the kids from said dust you then return home only to find that the cleaner you splurged on when you can least afford it has not dusted a single thing? And the three year old then proceeds to have yet another accident on the carpet and freshly mopped tiles, only narrowly avoiding your seven month old's eyes? And the load of washing that you had hung out earlier is now sopping wet due to another downpour, the same weather that has resulted in a backlog of at least five more loads? To which the builders have now added because they failed to bring sufficient dropsheets?
Ever had one of those days where you burn your hand trying to simulattaneously prepare dinner and apologise on the phone to your husband for yelling at him several times earlier on in the day because, you know, this was all his fault?
Ummm yeah.
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