Thursday, January 24, 2008

I am who I am not. Um yeah.

I need distracting from my impending tanty at the way my breastfeeding beyond six months post is shaping up and- LOOK AWAY mr hissychick, i'm about to talk about feelings!*....

So here's a bit of fluff n stuff:

I am:
  • Thirty one years old (eek), but am certain my real age lies somewhere between fourteen and twenty one. That would explain the frequent 'who are these kids and why do they keep calling me mum?' moments that I have throughout the course of the day. Maybe.
  • Almost six feet tall. Yes, I was always one of, if not the tallest girl in the class. Always. And just so you know I am not from tall stock:- my Dad is 5'9", my Mum 5'4 1/2" and my sister about 5'7". Am beginning to have my suspicions about the milkman....
  • An introverted extrovert. Or an extroverted introvert? I think my natural state tends towards the quiet (stop laughing mr hissychick), but being tall means you are noticed. Whether you want to be or not. Being angry also helps- or hinders, depending on your point of view. Which is wrong unless it concurs with mine of course.
  • A procrastinating perfectionsist. Which means that unless I can do it perfectly I cannot be bothered doing it at all. It also means I am very good at making plans...and then making mr hissychick do all the grunt work.
I am not:
  • Appreciative of forwarded emails of the 'send this to ten people and a puppy gains it's wings' ilk. Nor the 'this happened to a friend of a friend- honest' kind. Or worse still the pseudospiritual ones that talk about 'what it means to be a woman/mum' and contain poorly paraphrased quotes from the Dalai Lama. Etc etc. Those who know and love me know better. Those who don't soon learn when I forward the same email back twenty times followed by an email containing close up photographs of my own spiritual guidance (ie a raised middle finger) totalling 20 MB in size because oops I forgot to compress.
  • Anywhere near as crazy as mr hissychick may care to hint at. Besides, he can talk.

Now it's your turn....

* it's up to you lot to work it out...unless your feed reader already gave the game away... And here it is: the earlier than anticipated arrival of my mother in law for A's birthday celebrations.


At 3:23 AM, Blogger Moomykin said...

Well, I must say congratulations to you. You have come to terms with a lot of yourself.

Me: a lot is being suppressed because of my up bringing and my utter fear of what I might regret saying and going should I "lose it".

I stay with my bickering in-laws and am a walking time bomb! Yikes!!

Otherwise, everyone thinks I'm just lovely. Hahaha...

At 10:21 AM, Blogger hissychick said...

You live with your inlaws? Kathie, you are one brave woman. I salute you.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Very well put....your opposite similiarities!

I am similar in point 1 of your 'I am' and 'I am not'!

An introvert in hubby's party and an extrovert in mine!

A perfectionist when I am hardworking and a procrastinator when I am superlatively lazy!

Like (not love) forwarded emails when I am totally bored and delete them when they require too much reading!

And one other thing about me is that I am a totally dependent on people person! I hate being alone for too long! But I also hate the fact that I am so dependent.

Looks like I am a struggling dependent!

At 2:01 AM, Blogger Moomykin said...

Yes, we stay together, can't say we stay with them or they stay with us. When I agreed to this end of our married life, I was only shown the beautiful half of the picture: my mom-in-law. An angel but super sensitive and can't stand any criticism.
A year after we got married, my father-in-law came back from working abroad and he is a total critic. They drive each other crazy.

You can imagine how I am trapped with my 2 boys.

P/s- this is very sensitive and I hope it doesn't get reported back to them. Oopsie.


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