Sunday, January 27, 2008

Still here..

..just relaxing with the family over the Australia Day long weekend. If by relaxing you mean fretting about how to ensure that A's upcoming birthday party is a sugar fuelled frenzy that all the cool preschoolers will still be talking about in high school. Kidding. Sort of.

Anyway, just wanted to record for posterity how gorgeous it is to watch the two kidlets play together. In the bath E kicks her legs wildly whenever A claps boats together as we sing 'The Grand old Duke of York' (hissychick edition to make up for fact that I don't actually know the words, note to self: Google it). And today A was pushing E on the baby swing and they were giggling together in delight. Have some gorgeous shots which I may just post once I have the new site up and running.

What wasn't so gorgeous was having to retrieve A who was hanging onto her new slide BY HER FOOT because a certain bad mummy thought that it wouldn't hurt to leave an almost 3 year old by herself with her new swingset* for the thirty seconds it took to take a pee. No one was hurt, and thankfully Mr hissychick's 12 hour engineering masterpiece is still intact and an accident free zone. For now.

On that note I'm signing off as it's time to embrace some true Aussie spiriti and park my lazy, lazy butt on the couch for the evening.

Make snooze, not type.


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