Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sleep (and lack thereof)

As I write, the poo monkey is tucked in her cot, blissfully asleep.

What a change from the last couple of weeks, where a case of slapped cheek, a sore shouldered mummy and a lot of running around all resulted in no day time sleep. At all. Result? One very tired baby and one bewildered mummy.

When the nights started to go downhill even as the illness disappeared it was time to take charge. So hubs and I became those parents. You know...the ones who put their baby to bed and let them protest it out for a little while.

Oh yeah, and we started to reimplement a routine too. Bad, bad mummy!

The outcome? No more than 15 minutes of minor fuss last night before a deep and peaceful 12 hours' sleep. This morning there was only five minutes of half hearted protest before a one and a half hour (and counting) sleep. We have one very very happy, well rested little girl. As such, no debate will be entered into on this subject. You parent your way, and I will parent mine etc etc (much better discussion of this over on Tertia's blog.

Now it's time to take this type of no nonsense approach to my own silly mind, where I am currently torturing myself into an ongoing case of chronic insomnia with the potential implications of hyperthyroidism...when it hasn't been conclusively demonstrated that I even have it yet.

Someone please send me over to the naughty corner for time out.


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