Saturday, September 16, 2006

Stick it sister

It's official: I survived my first attempt at putting a needle into my own flesh.

I was too much of a wuss to do the needle thing for the IVF cycle that (eventually) resulted in the poo monkey..and I will admit to being a huge sooky lala last night before I did the deed.

But you know what? It wasn't that bad. The needle bit that is. Can't vouch for the drugs, I know how bloated I am going to get by the time I go to the clinic for bloods this Friday. Not to mention emotional (thanks for the work on that aspect of my mind to date, friend GnRH agonist).

I am barely a syringe width away from injecting smack straight into my eyeball.

Must be off to snort the Syneral right now, then get out the spoon and tourniquet injection pen and associated accoutrement for the follie stim high at 9pm.


One more thing before I go. As I was getting into the shower this morning, the poo monkey did her usual gleeful giggle at my "boobies". Then a new move. She pointed at my admittedly hirsute nether regions and loudly declared "pom pom". Is that a sign I need to get to work on tidying up before next week's cooter cam and egg collection action or what?


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