Thursday, October 25, 2007

I may not have that much time to blog anymore...

..but i have all the time in the world for:

* cheeky monkey girl's spontaneous cuddles and exhortations of "i love you sooo much"

* the pixie monster's goofy chuckles when i blurt raspberries on her neck

* CMG's exuberant rain dances complete with dora umbrella

*the pixie's contented sighs and gentle pats and strokes of my boob as she feeds

*CMG's cheeky ways of testing boundaries: "stay on the footpath please" . "is this far enough". "no". "is this far enough?" and so on....

*the pixie's delighted squeals when she first spies me upon waking...and her nonstop squealy chatter when she is happily awake (which is more often than it should be for a bub her age. But still..)

*CMG's burgeoning ability to tell the time "what time it is? it's ten o'clock" (correctly too!) and her newfound understanding of the days of the week "it's thursday, mummy's group day, time to see my friends". And isn't it gorgeous to see her play with her friends!

*the pixie's ability to roll halfway from her back to her tummy...even if the motivating factor is to see the telly (ahem)

*CMG's ability to read speed signs "two eighties mummy!" (very handy for avoiding speeding tickets too)

*the fact that the pixie now weighs a whopping 7.4kg and her thighs are like delicious little ham hocks

i could go on and on, but that means more time away from my beloved girls.

it's times likes these that you realise it is all so worth it.


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