Where is the love?
Tell me: how do other parents find the time to, ahem, share the love? There is no time or space in this household for romance, what with the almost 7kg booby monster catnapping and wanting her mummy dummy and the nap refusing not sleeping until 10 pm cheeky monkey girl demanding cuddles because "I love you so much, please hold me". "I love you too sweetheart but its time for bed". "WHY?"
Yes, the dreaded why. I thought we might escape until CMG turned 3 but no dice (so too the swearing but that's entirely my fault). I also thought that the Pixie wouldn't catnap because she doesn't use a dummy. Turns out God hates me. What other explanation could there be for non sleeping highly intelligent children? I only wish my own mother would stop laughing and making unhelpful remarks about what goes around comes around.
But I digress.
Anyway I've lowered my standards. A moment's peace, not sleep, is the new sex around here.
[This post is dedicated to mr hissychick. Turns out he does read my blog, as evidenced by the incredulous "You want a third? Well good luck with your next husband" muttered in my ear late on the night I last posted. Guess it's a good thing I haven't posted all the sordid details of my affair with the pool boy. Whoops.]
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