Anarchy chez hissychick, rhinovirus style
It is lurgy central here at chez hissychick, with A, E and I succumbing to colds of the extremely snotty nosed variety. We’ve all dealt with it in our own way:
- A being A was happy to while away an entire day watching episodes of Playschool, and was back to her usual cheery self in the evening. This was demonstrated by her proudly exclaiming “Look at this!” as she danced around the bathroom, a wad of toilet paper clenched between her bot cheeks in a post potty*, pre bath display of three year old exuberance. This was followed with a post bath “Let me sing Daddy….I love you sooo much….love you in the morning…bloody!bloody!bloody!” as she toyed with the whammy bar on the guitar when Daddy was playing the Sex Pistol’s Anarchy in the UK on Guitar Hero 3. Yes folks, I have no hope.
- E has alternated between her usual cheery self and breast refusing Velcro baby, depending entirely on just how much snot is running out of her nose. Poor little poppet. She seems fascinated by my runny nose too, reaching out to grab said proboscis whilst squealing “ho…hoo” (her attempt at honk I guess). Endearing but sure to perpetuate rhinovirus transfer and reinfection.
- I have been my usual hissy self. I don’t do sick very well, who has time for it? I’ve always loved it when people tell you to rest up (husband I am looking at you) when the fact is as a mother of two youngsters who is by herself for twelve hours plus a day you can’t. It’s not like I can leave the non napping three year old to her own devices, and while I am parked on my butt the pile of washing, dishes and dust from the renovations is accumulating at an alarming pace. Meanwhile I am worried about my milk supply but too lethargic to pull out the breast pump and add to my workload. Gah.
Anyway we are off shortly to mother’s group. Nothing like sharing the love around.....
* How the freaking hell we are going to get the girl to use the toilet rather than the grotty potty is beyond me at this point. But that is a story for another occasion.
A is hilarious! With kids sometimes you don't know if you should just stay amuse or get mad at the mess they make.
Hope you and the kids get well soon, and that Daddy won't catch the bug.
My younger boy has some rash, probably because I had a shandy the other night...Eeps.
Thanks. We don't need toddlerdaddy to get sick, that's for sure.
Hope Maxwell's rash has cleared too.
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