My addiction to E
I don't think I have ever dedicated a whole post to my youngest daughter, but seeing as she is being spectacularly adorable at the moment it's about time that I did.
Little miss E is my drug of choice at the moment. She is sitting independently for a good thirty seconds or so, and is busily rocking back and forth on her hands and kness at any given opportunity, meaning crawling can't be too far away now. Not that she isn't completely mobile given her rolling prowess. Turn your back for one second and she's somewhere she shouldn't be. Hiding places of note this week have included under the computer desk near power cords, a dropsheet during renovation works (our girl has a thing for wrapping herself up a la a dodgy carpet shop commercial at the moment), and behind whatever door you happen to almost slam into her head.
E is babbling away like, well a babbly thing, and certainly lets you know both verbally and physically exactly what it is that she wants or does not want at any given moment. The former usually includes whatever choking or electrocution hazard is within her surprisingly strong and extensive reach. The latter mostly includes being grabbed by the head or dragged around by her well meaning and besotted older sister.
She's still a booby monster, and it is now very obvious as to when she both does and does not want a feed. When hungry, she will practically lunge at my top. When she's not I cop a squeal accompanied by a back arch to put any yoga devotee to shame. After E has finished a feed she will execute the detach, drop and roll maneuvre, and there has been more than one occasion where I've had to catch her before she rolls off my lap.
Funnier still is E's chief menas of critiquing food, which is to blow raspberries at anything she does not like. This pretty much includes anything that is not a self controlled finger food or is smooth in texture. That's right, our girl prefers to run that fine line between learning to chew and choking. And she will do it all by herself, dammit.
E is also very much into slapping things at the moment, happily thump, thump thumping away on whatever toy tickles her fancy at any given moment but especially blocks. Whacking my chest during feeds is a major source of entertainment as is beating up her Dad's face whenever he is in hers. However she has saved her most brutal maneuvre, the Liverpool kiss, for her older sister whenevr she gets too close during playtime. It's a sign of things to come I fear.
Right now my littlest girl is blessedly asleep- on her tummy of course, she laughs in the face of SIDS risks- beloved Snugzee at her side.
Little miss E, you have become such an addiction in the less than eight months since you arrived, and I am not planning on ever giving up my need to snuggle you close and cover your chubby little face and body with kisses as many times a day as I can manage.
Beautiful are our babies.
While it's exciting to see them grow and achieve new milestones, I still feel they grow too fast. Sigh..
I know what you mean.
And toddlerdaddy refuses to entertain the idea of a third bub so I'm trying to hold onto as many precious moments as I can....
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