Friday, December 16, 2005

Poo monkey

After all of the dramas of the early months, my little one is now such a happy baby, taking pretty much anything that comes her way in her stride.

Marathon Christmas shopping trip without an afternoon nap? Sure, no problem. Here, let me go to bed for the night an hour earlier than usual without so much as a peep!

Several hours with the grandparents while mummy is off at a work Christmas 'do? Didn't even know you were gone, but was very happy and easy going when you came back.

A bit of a cold with a slight fever and a stuffy nose/ teething? Don't mind me, I will moan ever so quietly and only occasionally in my sleep

Of course, a price must be paid for such an angelic child.....and that price is poo. At least four times a day on a good day. We've already had two within an hour of getting up this morning.

This may seem a trivial whinge, but.....
The smell! (She's a ripe one, my little meat eater)
The look! (Diced carrots anyone?)
The load! (Are you sure that Huggies can contain half of a baby's body weight in excrement?)

Such a good eater, such a healthy baby....such a way to provide Mummy with some morning pre Christmas cheer.


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