Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Take two

Ok, so I have recovered from my little hissyfit. In summary, my post was about my current list of niggling little anxieties:

1. The poo monkey's weight, which has ballooned to 13.5 kg despite the fact that I offer a healthy varied diet and careful portion and meal frequency limitations. The potential health consequences, and the likelihood of ending up on Dr Phil for a "I hate my life and it's all my mother's fault" special in thirteen or so years' time.

2. Our quest to get the poo monkey to settle readily and sleep well by herself. It's fun listening to her protests right now...and wondering about the possibility of psychological damage. Not.

3. My return to work. I know it's only two days per week and that the poo monkey will be in the care of her beloved Nana and Pop during this time, but.... Hey, maybe in conjunction with niggling worry #2 my daughter might turn into a maladjusted sociopath rather than a guest on a dodgy American psychobabble show.

Not to mention my concerns about the person who will be my manager for the next little while, or the fact that my return to work means yet more time away from my husband (as my girl and I have to stay with my parents due to the impracticable commute from our house to my job). Or the fact that I haven't caught up on all the policy and legislative changes that have occurred whilst I was on leave. Ummm do I even like my job anyway? Damn the need for more money and stuff.

4. This week's IVF appointment. I know I shouldn't have let my brain get carried away but I am currently imagining a cancerous goiter eating our future baby. If that makes sense. Which of course it doesn't.

Oh blah. On a much more exciting note, the poo monkey has taken four steps- all by herself. Can't be much longer until she is officially walking. We are finally getting tooth number three, and her genius is shining through her ability to poke out her tongue Gene Simmons style when asked...not to mention the fact that she can differentiate between an eskimo and a butterfly kiss. So ner.


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