21 months
The poo monkey has come of age, and is already expecting her own set of keys to the house. And well she should, for over the last month she has become even more of her own little person, very adept at telling us exactly what she wants and when she wants it, in addition to a constant running commentary on her life.
“Aye- bee- eye…ABI!”
“Turn telly off!”
“Mummy lie down too”
“Lights! Camera! Action! Wiggles!”
“Another cuddle”
“Don’t like it”
“Our turn”
“Run run run jump!”
“More stories pliz”.
Counting from one to ten has well and truly been mastered, as has the difference between red and green lights…and arrows. No that is not a misprint, little miss is the finest backseat driver there is.
Our girl is also a budding singer, singing along to so many songs that it is quite amazing to watch. The aforementioned LCA Wiggles song, all the Dorothy ones (“Dorofee! Dorofee!”), twinkle twinkle little star, I’m a little teapot, the ABC song, five little ducks…you name it, she’ll sing it. And do the relevant actions. Funniest of all is “Rolling down the Sandhills” as she rolls form one side of the room to the other, just like her beloved Cap’n F’sword.
Little miss has mastered the fork, and is even starting to try a few new foods again now that she has moved to a later shared dinnertime, but there are no new teeth to report. I’m willing to bet we will have the first two year old who still doesn’t have her second top incisors.
Our girl is also gaining confidence in the running, jumping and climbing department. She especially loves climbing into and out of the car and car seat, so much so that you have to build in an extra ten minutes whenever we go out so that she can have a few practice turns. We’re also back at swimming, and although she is still not clean on going under water (“Mummy wipe it away” is a common command when she resurfaces) I think she is rather enjoying the social aspect.
Speaking of social skills, the poo monkey is definitely like her Dad, preferring to stand back and watch other kids before slowly integrating herself into the action. And she doesn’t half love to tell you about what happened on the way home from any social outing (“kids cry…abi no cry”, “held the baby”, “good dinner” and so on).
Books are still a major love, with the poo monkey loving to play anticipatory games as we read her favourite stories:
Me: “It must be your turn…”
PM: “Head!”
Me: “Shut your…”
PM: “Ears!”
Me: “Bless you…”
PM: “Nose!”
Together: “Can you smell the sleep?”
All Spot books are much loved, as is the Daddy book. We’re also getting right into “Where is the Green Sheep?”. Little miss is forever trying to stall bedtime with her calls for “More stories”. It’s hard to resist.
She’s hard to resist. I’m crap at discipline…but she is really good with the few firm but fair boundaries in her life. Except for those relating to yummy food. Then again who isn’t? Although in this department I’m trying to be firm as the poo monkey is still a beautifully cuddly girl, however I think she is starting to plateau as her tummy is less protuberant nowadays. To be honest I think she is very much in proportion, especially given her rather large cranium courtesy of her Mum. Maybe she will also be a six footer just like me.
Love you so much sweetheart, you are an absolute pleasure to have around and your zest for life so re-energizing.
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