Let's make this official
Yes I'm pregnant. 6 weeks and 1 day in fact. Due 20th June 2007.
What a relief to confirm* that:
a) Dottie is in my uterus and not my fallopian tube
b) Dottie is showing the beginnings of heart activity
c) Dottie is singular and not plural.
Where to from here?
Week 7: GP for referral and bloods
Week 8: Endocrinologist to work out how best to manage my pesky thyroid (don't want to think about it at the moment)
Week 9: IVF docfor for a heartbeat scan...
..and finally, hopefully, everything crossed, the obstetrician the following day.
This is really happening folks!
* So sick of riding the wand, but hey, what's a transvaginal when you are getting such good news? Will miss you, cold plastic friend. Not.
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