Lucky 13
13 months that is.
And so my little poo monkey, you have reached another milestone. At long last you can pull yourself up. Your first attempt occurred on Valentine's Day, although it was more of a downward dog type yoga pose. Now there is no stopping you....and I really do mean no stopping you. It's amazing how you can now get into things so quickly, popping up all over the place, the only evidence of your being there the trail of destruction you leave behind! Thank goddess you've finally figured this standing up and then sitting down business and have gone back to sleeping overnight. Pity the same cannot be said for daytime though...
Ummm did I say sleep? You are currently teething, another four or so will soon cut their through to join your current two...and you have a bit of an ear blockage, meaning that mama has had to resort to Dimetapp and Panadol of a night time. Hoping that you feel better soon, and definitely before we both fly down to Melbourne for the Commonwealth Games. This will be your first trip on a plane- outside of your mama's tum that is.
Your favourite word in the whole wide world is ta. You love eskimo kisses and brushing your two teeth. You're such a clever clogs, pointing to your teeth when asked, and to both your teeth and the toothbrush when we are in the bathroom.
You've developed this really cute habit of saying bah bye and waving whenever we are out and about and you've had enough. Not to mention the way you shrug and throw your hands in the air whenever something is 'all gone'. You love to great your Daddy with excited "Dadas"...and your Mama with "Mumumumum". There is no mistaking your specific use of these words now...along with quite a few others, some of which I will discuss further below.
You are quite a sweet and rather shy little one at times...unless mama has taken something off you (such as her mobile, her wallet, keys, weapons of mass destruction) and you want it back NOW. Then the whole world finds out that you are alive with your loud protestations of "Nanananananananananananana".
You are starting to enjoy putting things back in addition to pulling them out/down/over. Books are still your true love, your current favourite is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You love shapes and blocks, tomorrow your Daddy and I are going to give you your first wooden block puzzle...and a Tupperware ShapeO is on its way to you shortly.
It's so amazing to watch you grow (12.6 kg!) and develop into a true toddler, even if you aren't exactly toddling yet. The play of emotions across your face...from sheer delight when tasting a bit of a chocolatey (sadly) fear whenever a walking toddler crosses your path (hope this is just a phase that passes once you too are moving in a bipedal fashion my little chook) joy and excitement when we greet you of a morning.
I hope you see the joy and amazement reflected in your mama's eyes too, for you continue to bring me so much of this and more.
Love you my precious girl.