11 months
Well my little one, another year is drawing to a close. However it hasn't been any old year, it has been the year, because you joined your Daddy and I and made us a family. I wonder what 2006 has in store for us all?
Yesterday you turned eleven months old, and your very first tooth finally cut through (at exactly the same age as it happened for Mummy funnily enough). You have been a trouper through this teething business, not really complaining, rather just wanting a few more cuddles...and wanting to sleep more than usual.
You are coming on in leaps and bounds, in addition to clapping you now wave hello and goodbye, point to and vocalise in your own little way when you want certain things such as your water sippy cup...and to voice your approval or disapproval about food. Sultanas are in, bananas are so last month! You especially love to mimic too, Mummy's morning cough being a particular favourite.
You are weaned now, which for your Mummy is a relief tinged with a little sadness and nostalgia. I don't think it will be long until we make the switch to the sippy cup for milk, as with most changes you have your way of simply letting us know and then never looking back.
We're still waiting for you to do a proper crawl, although I have a funny feeling that you never will. You are happy to leap boldly forward onto your tummy to grab things, or to pop right up on your knees in a prayer type position to reach up for something before happily and confidently backing down into a sitting position (speaking of sitting positions, you really do love to bop up and down on your bottom whenever there is any music playing). It's all about efficiency rather than exploration...then again you know that you have a rather large entourage who will only too readily cater to your every whim!
You are growing into a most beautiful little girl, you have filled out rather nicely over the last few months and as your hair thivkens you are starting to look more like a toddler than a baby. And some toddler type behaviours are starting to shine through, even though for the most part you are a very calm alert, intelligent and happy girl. An example that springs readily to mind is how you grab Mummy's wallet in the supermarket and then howl with indignantion when I take it back so that I can pay at the checkout! Sweet but determined, that's my girl.
Tonight we are all going to your Aunty and Uncle's place to watch the firworks over Sydney harbour, an excellent way to see out the year, although hopefully you will sleep through it all.
We love you so much my darling little one, each day leaves us in more awe than the last, and a more in love with you than we ever thought possible.
[Oh yeah, forgot to write about Christmas. You loved it, and were given so many presents that we no longer consider the lounge room anything other than a toy playng paradise! It was lovely for you to be able to share the day with all of your grandparents. Mummy might write another entry about it all another day, there are other things to talk about that I don't want to talk about in this entry because it's all about you and not Mummy LOL]