Thursday, May 25, 2006

Thyroids ahoy

Today's post is dedicated to that humble gland in your neck, you know the one that controls your metabolism and goiters up when you are not looking. my most recent test results back. Thyroid hormones are back in the normal range, TSH is still being a recalcitrant child and is not joining in the party.

So the RE has upped my medication. Just when I was feeling better and all. If by better you mean tired, sluggish and fat.

At least I am no longer getting palpitations, tremors and that horrible heat intolerance thing. Except for today.

Oh crap, just realised I forgot to take the little cheap rum smelling tablet this morning...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Snot happy, jan

The poo monkey and I are into her second week of all things mucusy. Both of our noses are running, not like taps but veritable hoses, and we have gone through so many boxes of aloe vera tissues that I am sure we are both personally responsible for the destruction of at least one forest somewhere in the world.

Poor darling, she is not impressed by the gooey mess emanating from her nasal passages, and is actually having her first morning sleep in absolutely ages. Probably to escape my constant nose wiping.

Hope she rests up. I live in fear of the dreaded ear infection that inevitably follows these seemingly innocuous little immune challenging episodes.

Would love to write more...but there is the dishwasher repair guy. That's another story that won't be told another time.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

You've got to whistle while you work

Does anyone else out there have a fifteen month old that can whistle?

It is alternately hilarious and kinda spooky to hear the poo monkey make a tuneless but authentic 'woo woo' as she toddles around the room.

Talk show circuit, here we come.

[NB: Thanks to the small but select group of readers who kindly responded to my last post both here and there. It's nice to know that you really do exist inside of the computer.]

Friday, May 05, 2006

Come out and play

On the other site where I also post most of my blogging material I have started a delurking post to see if I can find out a little bit about my regular readers. And I know I actually have regulars there, a 'number of times viewed' ticker tells me so.

Which got me to wondering about this site. I am not sure that anybody is actually paying any attention to my little corner of cyberspace (and sadly, probably rightly so). Yes, I know that a couple of friends IRL are aware of my humble blog, however according to Technorati not one person has tagged my blog. Not a single one. Plus the number of times my Blogger profile has been viewed is...well it's rather pathetic. Sob.

So in the hope of seeing whether anyone is actually out there, here's hoping that I get one or two responses to the following questions:

Who are you?

Where do you live (I'd appreciate a rough idea of location, ie Australian state or Country.. otherwise you can simply tell me to bugger off by replying "in the computer")?

What are you up to (eg are you currently in the TTC game, a fellow infertile, a parent, fellow sufferer of Graves' Disease....or someone who wants me to mind my own business)?

When did you start reading my blog?

Why do you read my self indulgent drivel?

I hope to hear from someone (well anyone dammit) soon.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Q and A

Q: What do you do when your mum gives you a shockingly dodgy haircut in a last ditch attempt to keep the hair out of your eyes?

A: Poo in the bath for the fifth night running.

[Two posts in one day. Must be a record or something]

Fifteen months

And so my little poo monkey, you are now fifteen months old. You are growing up so fast!

In the last couple of weeks you have made the leap into true toddlerhood, with your first couple of tentative steps. Now you are known to burst out in one of your big vocal "ooh-hoo" grins as you take up to twenty steps in a row by yourself. It is such a joy to watch.

Your vocabulary increases by the day, with "dear dear" "more", "car" and "good girl" being your favourite phrases du jour. I am also amazed at how whenever I say "One.." you reply gleefully with "two!". You also love to do "Round and round the garden" on both your own and mummy's hand, and you can point to a growing number of different body parts, not only your own but for others too. And seem to be making the connection between an object and the symbol for that object. Just recently you picked up the vehcile shaped piece from your puzzle board and said car. Then when mummy asked you where our car was, you pointed out the window to where our camry was parked. Such a clever clogs.

You are finally starting to enjoy the company of other children, although you are still mostly a quiet observer. It was so funny to take you to the library for storytime yesterday, when you made other mums laugh with your enthusiastic calls for "More" whenever we finished singing a song, and your giggles and ooh-hoos as you scrambled over to the book box.

You are definitely more cerebral than physical though, watching with amazement at the soft play centre today as other kids your age climbed and jumped and scrambled over the equipment. Mummy is just happy to let you do your own thing though, as always you will do things in your own time. Keep in mind thought that Mummy truly can live without chasing after a wild child! I think your Daddy is a bit crushed at your supposed lack of sporting prowess. He was hoping to manage your future tennis or golf career Damir Dokic style. You can ask Mummy what that means when you are older.

You still only have two and a half teeth, however with the way your day sleeps have been going Mummy suspects that we might soon be in for a teething assault. As always we will deal with whatever happens as it happens. I'm sure you will be a trouper, just as you have been for Mummy's return to part time work.

Love you so much our baby girl. In some ways you are growing up too fast, in others it is sheer delight to see how much and how rapidly you are developing. You will always be my baby girl though, and as I watch you now on the monitor, fast asleep with your beloved Snugzee by your side, my heart is full, and my mind is taking a picture for posterity.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I survived

My first week* back at work is over and done with, thank your choice of deity.

Gotta love the way you can be relieved to be back in the adult world whilst desperately missing your little one with your whole heart....

Seems like the more things have changed at work, the more they have stayed the same. I can definitely say that my priorities have changed**, and that I really couldn't be bothered sweating the small stuff anymore.

And let's face it, most stuff is small stuff.

This is a crap post. Will be back later to post on something infinitely more interesting, ie the poo monkey and how brilliant and beautiful she is at fifteen months old.

* My working week being Monday and Tuesday, seven hours per day (the earlier the better- this from a former 9:30 starter), bugger accumulating flextime and all that.

** Dumbest comment at work award goes to the hoary old misogynist who had the nerve to ask me what I did all day when I was at home. Wish I'd had the guts to give him a proper serve. Oh well, maybe next week.