Cheeky Monkey Girl (CMG) has a fantastic imagination that extends to her vocabulary. 'Lumpty' is her word of choice for things that are not quite right, such as a scratchy CD or a rumpled up bed.
I guess you could say that things have been a bit lumpty until recently. Now that we've sorted through various sleep issues for both girls, feeding (for the pixie monster) and behavioural (CMG) I actually have the time and energy to post*.
It's hard to believe that the pixie monster is almost four months old. The newborn phase is well and truly over. Somehow over this very short period of time my teeny tiny second born with the giant grey eyes has been replaced by a rolly polly bub with giant expressive greeny blue eyes. So gorgeous!
The pixie is an utter delight, a happy smiling and easy going baby provided I read her sleep and feed needs correctly (yay to wrapping/slings, cuddles and boobs, boo to dummies/bottles and being in a pram/rocker/carseat without a good deal of prior and post snuggling). Without jinxing myself I think she is starting to fall into a pattern in these areas- including sleeping a lovely long night time stretch after her dreamfeed, sometimes all the way through to 6 am (oh please I hope i haven't jinxed myself). Soon it will be time to move from the bassinette to the cot. Thankfully mr hissychick is happy to have the cot in our room. Not that he was going to have any choice!
The pixie is so vocal and smiley and loves to chat while on the boob which is so very cute but does not facilitate public breastfeeding. But who cares...the pixie is a real mummy's girl and I am lapping up the attention. She is working on grasping at toys, and is a real pro at the tummy to back roll, and it looks like she is making some serious attempts at the back to tummy roll too.
Of great delight is the burgeoning relationship between the pixie and CMG, the former greeting her elder sister's often less than gentle cuddles with squeals of delight and the latter constantly telling me how much she loves her little sister. CMG drops whatever she is doing whenever her little sister wakes up and races me into the bedroom to greet her and is very protective of mini monster too.
Wonder how long before sibling rivalry kicks in?
And CMG.....
1. Has a penchant for renaming her loved ones. Apparently I am not Mummy I am Swiper (from that dreadful Dora show if you must know) and Mr Hissychick is B2. Must. refrain.from. smart. arse. comments....
2. Loves nothing more than to share her deepest thoughts. "Mummy I love you sooo much...but you have wrinkles". "Daddy you have only a little hair, just like the pixie monster". "Mummy your boob is falling it's popping out!". The last one said in public of course.
3. Can swear like a trouper. "Oh shit" is uttered about forty times a day in perfect context and in perfect mimicry of mummy. Ahem. Must work on that one. And the toddler too I guess. Wonder what they think at daycare?
4. Is recognising lots of letters and numbers, and some words. It can't be long until we can no longer spell things out when we don't want her to know what we are talking about.
5. Has the memory of an elephant. Yesterday morning I put on a pre pregnancy dress, and she told me to "swirl around and dance just like at the wedding"...which was the last time I wore said dress. Almost TEN months ago.
6. Loves nothing more than leaping and gymnastic daredevilry (ifthere is such a word)....amongst other things rearranging lougeroom furntiure so she can leap off the couch into a beanbag with an exultant "splash". She doesn't get it from me that's for sure.
I could go on and on....and moan about how hard it is to get CMG into bed nowadays, and how we are having to use the 123 magic concept to rein in some behaviour (supermarket tantrum yesterday if you really must know). But I won't.
Tonight I am simply feeling lucky to be blessed with two beautiful, blossoming little daughters.
So much so I already want #3!
*What I won't have is the space to post shortly, due to the arrival of MIL on Tuesday. Am very happy to sacrifice 'puter time for hands on help though. Plus my parents are back from overseas this week too. I'm going from a two month grandparent drought to a deluge and I am quite frankly thrilled. And so is mr hissychick because it might take some of the pressure off him. HA!