And so my darling daughter, today you are one. What a year it has been!
This morning started off a lot more comfortably than the same morning twelve months ago. For starters there were no drips, epidurals or medieval baby extracting implements in sight, rather a happy well rounded girl who was more interested in her milk than in mummy and daddy singing happy birthday. You also had much more fun pretending to read your birthday card upside down than in listening to what we wrote on said card. We will be keep that one for a future occasion when our words will mean so much more.
You are crawling like a demon, and are working so hard on pulling up. I just wish that you would pick more stable places to attempt your daring feats of bipedal glory than the bath or the back of the rocking horse. There is nothing funnier than the glint you get in your eye as you pick up the crawling pace to get to something you shouldn't be getting into. Luckily your Mummy has put your bangle back on your wrist so that she can hear where you are going, and shake her head in disbelief at the speed at which you get there.
You love to mimic speech like a little instant playback machine...which means that your silly mother keeps saying mum mum mum just to hear that delicious word uttered from your sweet little mouth. Got to compete with Daddy for your verbal affection!
Your vocabulary is expanding every day, although your favourite word is still Daddy, followed by no, up and book. We've taught you to say uh-oh, which is just so cute, especially when you say it after doing a poo. Bet you'll love reading that last comment when you are 21...
Soft and fluffy textures are your current favourites, your affection directed mostly at your lambskin rug and your big 'growly' bear, both of which are the recipients of frequent cuddles. When you are tired, it is just so endearing to see you crawl over to your lambskin and flop down for a hug. Better still is when you give a cuddle when mummy asks for one. For this reason alone the journey to have you was so worth it.
You still love your food, as your gorgeous little chubby body attests, and recently you have mastered the art of putting a spoon in your mouth by yourself. We hand you a spoon of food, and in it goes! So very clever, it can't be long until you want to use a fork. You are enjoying cows milk now, albeit still in a bottle and warm. There is plenty of time to move to a cup, which you use so well when full of water.
Two teeth have made their appearance now, giving you a most cheeky and delicious grin. You love having them far!
You have become a real water baby, wanting to play for ages in the bath and really enjoying your swimming lessons. This morning, at our first lesson for the year, you were such a little showoff, constantly waving to your Daddy who is lucky enough to have the time off work for your special day.
You are sleeping peacefully now after a cafe lunch...can't wait to see what you think of the cupcake we have to go with your dinner. Your birthday party is this Sunday, and if our mother's group combined party is anything to go by you should have a ball.
Words cannot describe how much I love you, my precious little one. Thank you so much for the last twelve months....the good , the bad and the crazy, for together we have both grown so much. Inscribed on your jewellery box are the words "I was never so blessed as the day you were born". These words have never been more relevant than they are right now. May the blessings that your very existence brings continue into the next year and beyond.
Happy birthday Abi.