A quickie
The poo monkey has popped out to the shops with hubs, so I thought I would write up a quick post in between my oh-my-god-i-am-going-back-to-work-and-i-miss-my-baby-already tears. And the cooking. And the washing. Ain't life grand and all that.
Yes, I am a bit freaked out about going back to work on Monday. Whilst I am looking forward to the chance to be something other than a mum again, my heart feels like it is breaking. I think this must be a bit what it feels like when your little one starts school.
I guess one good thing is that I don't have to buy any new work clothes. Thanks to my rather dodgy thyroid I am able to fit into lots of things I haven't been able to wear in about six years. Good classic pieces that haven't dated. Well at least I hope not.
The poo monkey truly is toddling now, and it is such a delight to see the joy and pride on her face everytime she manages to take ten or so steps in a row. The world is opening up to my baby, and I hope that world is her oyster.
God I love her.
Nana, the poo monkey and I went to the Pregnancy Babies and Children's expo yesterday. Said hi to the Essential Baby team at their stand (it's rather weird but great to meet someone who follows your online diary, hi Bel!). Highlights included:
1. Being accosted by a nun from the Billings stand who thrust information at me about natural fertility management. She must have seen the horns sprouting from my head. I didn't have the hear to tell her that the poo monkey is spawn of the great IVF satan, I was too busy laughing at the fact that my Mum was given a booklet on managing menopause the Billings way. Heh.
2. Six exhibitors watching the poo monkey's reaction following a taste test of toddler formula. She tried so hard to hide the shudder behind a smile. Back to to the lab kids!
I also bought a Peapods nappy to try as it's about time I went over to the dark side of modern cloth.
Oh yeah, I have calmed down a fair bit about the whole Graves's Disease business. It's a bit like diabetes of the thyroid I guess. Manage it and you'll be fine. Or something like that.
According to my RE (who was running two hours late for the latest appointment, but hey who was clock watching) it could still be thyroiditis, but that it's more likely to be GD given my family history. We're still 'discussing' medications, ie my use of Neomercazole vs the more pregnancy friendly PTU. Even though reported congenital defects from NeoMerc are not life threatening and as my RE puts it "As rare as rocking horse shit", I must admit I am still not entirely convinced.
Other than that I am happy with his approach, which at this stage is to see if I can get my symptoms under control with half the usual minimum dose, thereby minimising these and any other risks from the medication. Especially the bit about getting fat. I'm being shallow, but there you go.
So I will be having a bloodtest in four weeks' time, and if my thyroid funcion has returned to normal hubs and I can decide when we want to start IVF. If not, we up the medication (and change to PTU- that's my thinking) and repeat the process until all is hunky dory. Deep down I really don't think there will be the chance to attempt to make baby number two in the next three months or so.
You know what though? I can live with that.