Friday, June 29, 2007

Booby call

So the Pixie monster and I are currently working through all the challenges that breastfeeding seems to involve. Silly me thinking it would be easier second time around. Well it is- and it isn't IYKWIM.

We seem to have ironed out attachment at last, and we're on the way to getting my monster supply under control (so funny to see the looks on some of the other mum's faces when I was in hospital. Days 1 and 2 saw me squeezing pathetic amounts of colostrum out of B cups, Day 3 I walk into the nursery with swollen milky C cups and by Day 4 I had monster hard fake looking D cups. Woah mama).

Now that leaves my overactive letdown and super speedy flow rate to contend with. I may actually be able to put a top on and leave the house shortly, thanks to the arrival of my booby bibs. I laugh myself stupid at the very concept of breast pads containing my 'leakage'. Hell, I use a bottle/bowl to collect from the opposite side on which I am feeding.

For such a small bub the pixie seems to be determined to face the full force flow and not miss a mouthful. We're currently feeding one boob per feed and little miss is now punching in at 60g above her birthweight on Day 10/11, which is very pleasing indeed. We're only 40 g off the 3kg mark now, she's practically a bruiser!

The poo monkey-much better now and to celebrate this and her new big sister status shall henceforth be known as Cheeky Monkey Girl (CMG)- is aboslutely fascinated by breastfeeding. "Evie having Mumm's booby juice. I used to drink booby juice!" is a common refrain, and she loves to help by holding the towels up to catch any drips from the other boob. God love her.

Anyway must be off to rest. Would love to talk about how after all of this I am still very ambivalent about breastfeeding

Monday, June 25, 2007

One week ago today...

....Evelyn Ruby, aka the Pixie Monster arrived in a great hurry*

She's tiny-at birth measuring 2.9kg, 46cm and a head circumference of 33.4cm- but absolutely perfect**

Will update later, life here is a wee bit stressful at the moment***

* After 48 hours of prelabour, I went into established labour and delivery within one hour, meaning I got the natural birth I so didn't want. Admitted to hospital at 3am with one contraction every ten minutes, at five am I was still one in ten, about ten-fifteen minutes later the contractions were on top of each other, whilst screaming for the drugs I was examined and found to be 9cm dilated and I had her out by 6.02am, one push for the head, which was out by the time the OB arrived and then one push for the body. That's just a wee bit quick. Let's just say I had lockjaw from the gas and mr hissychick is covered in scratches and bruises. Desrevedly so I might add.

** Well except for the damage she has wreaked on my right nipple. Open wide sunshine.

***The poo monkey has been in hospital overnight with rotovirus. She's been sick since the Pixie and I came home. It's a waiting/isolation game to see if we succumb too. Now that is the definition of stress folks.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

I hate prelabour

Bloody hell uterus, make up your mind. Have had no sleep for the past 24 hours because everytime I lie down you issue forth spasms so forceful that I have to leap out of bed to stand, get down on all fours, pace or bounce on the fitball. Anything but actually rest.

So I've tried to get things moving by being active. Whenever I get to a surge every fifteen minutes for about four in a row you then go I think that you are resting and that I may as well too. And then we start all over again.

I don't want to ponder, I don't want to call the hospital, I don't want this to go on until Tuesday's appointment.

Is it too late to ask for a refund?

Friday, June 15, 2007

Pulling the plug

39 weeks 2 days

It's official little miss, the clock is ticking. BP stable but still high at today's checkup, so if there is no movement at the station soon you will be served an eviction notice following an internal next Tuesday.

Your sooky lala mum baulked at an internal today, opting instead to attempt all manner of old wives' labour inducing methods this weekend. Problem is, I know that nothing will work until we pull that mucus plug so as to speak. Ho hum.

(Mr hissy, your functional coitus services are required so please give your mum and Dad $50 to take the poo moonkey out this weekend. Oh yeah, and I get naming rights so nerr.)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Yeee hah

39 weeks 1 day.

Am STILL here. Usurper is very much locked and loaded, I'm strutting around like a cowboy but alas there is no movement at the station. Then again, if you were a baby yet to be born, would you want to leave the nice warm tub of amniotic fluid for the chilly chilly air of Sydney?


Sunday, June 10, 2007

June bugs

38 weeks 4 days

Still here, blood pressure still high but stable...still pregnant!

I'm beginning to think that bubs might actually go full term, and who could blame her given that it is a hell of a lot colder out here than in there. Not to mention that fact that out here both the poo monkey* and I are battling colds again, and we have everything crossed that we won't be getting the poo and spew bug that is doing the rounds of daycare.

Can't wait to meet you little one...but not looking forward to the birth bit one bit.

Next BP and wee checkup is scheduled for Tuesday. Who knows what will happen in the meantime?

* My darling little poo monkey, I feel all teary just thinking about how this truly is our last little bit of time together as mum and one daughter. I love you so much, hope your sister provides you with at least a bit of the joy that your new trampoline has been providing.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

More up the duff than ever before

38 weeks 1 day.

Last time around I had the poo monkey on this day. I will make a bold prediction- it's fairly safe to say that I am not going in for a repeat early bird performance this time around.

Blood pressure is still high but stable, so no scary talk about hospital admissions and inductions as of yet. Next check up is tomorrow. IN the meantime I will be enjoying all the extra clingy cuddles I am getting from my girl. Maybe she knows something that I don't.

And so the waiting game continues in earnest....

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Under pressure

Hum along to that famous Queen song, because that's where I'm at baby.

37+3 weeks today, and my blood pressure is on the rise. Literally. From 120/85 last Monday to 135/95 on Friday. Usurper is head down, 3/5 engaged according to Friday's quick scan, which surprised my OB but not me. I'm the one feeling the hiccups in the vicinity of my pubic bone after all.

Another check up scheduled for Tuesday, in the meantime I am to rest and relax. Bit hard with the inlaws here*, an edgy mr hissychick and a demandapuss poo monkey to boot.

My guess is that I will be giving birth sometime this week. Sugar. Honey. Ice. Tea.

Off I go before my heart hammers its way out of my chest cavity.

De de de dedede. De de de dedede.....

*Mixed feelings on this one. Glad that I won't be alone if something happens when mr hissychick is at work, appreciating the help with the poo monkey and around the house...but I feel like I am somewhat of a watched kettle IYKWIM. I need some space. And I need to keep our space in the type of order that calms me, ie I don't need the nursery being used as a guest room, I need to finish setting it up.